Photos : Louis Duval – studiophotogoncourt
Gabriel began his academic career overseas, at Brighton University, where in addition to his language training, he received a solid theoretical grounding in the audiovisual industry, both film and television.
He took advantage of the opportunity to produce a number of short films, and thus began to get to grips with the actual making of works. On the strength of this experience, he decided to extend his career by enrolling at EICAR in Paris, where he completed his Masters 1 and 2. There, he learned all about the technical side of production, which he had the opportunity to put into practice during his end-of-studies projects.
Galvanized by these experiences, Gabriel joined the Île-de-France region, to support the various projects taking place there. After two years there, he decided not to accompany, but to lead projects from start to finish. He joined the Alef team as a production assistant.